Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 is coming to an end...

Help CHERUBS help families affected by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia by making a tax-deductible donation this holiday season.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

We need your vote TODAY!

PLEASE VOTE FOR CHERUBS and ask your family and friends to vote too!

Each vote = $1.00 to the contest winner! 

Click here to vote:

Friday, December 6, 2013

Remembering CHERUBS Lost to CDH

The 2013 National Children's Memorial Day is Sunday, December 8th. At 7:00 pm in each time zone, people will be lighting candles to remember all children lost. 
The World Census Bureau estimates that in 2008 over 350,000 babies were born in the world every day = 147 babies will be born with CDH every day. That is OVER 53,000 BABIES BORN EACH YEAR WITH CDH. Over 26,000 do not survive. Help CHERUBS fight CDH.

Over a half million babies have been affected by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia since 2000. This means that over a quarter of a million babies have have been lost to this devastating birth defect. Over 800 babies are lost to CDH in the United States alone each year. 

CHERUBS has participated in NCMD for over a decade. We remember all the families who mourn their children from Congenital Diaphragmatic and those who mourn their children lost from other circumstances. 

This week our web site home page will go black in memory of those cherubs lost as we list every child in membership lost to CDH. It remain this way until December 11th. This is our solemn tribute to those cherubs with wings as well as our way to bring awareness to the many children lost to CDH. 

If you would like your cherub's name added or removed, please e-mail us at Members names will automatically be included. Please contact us if you do not want your cherub's name listed. Please make sure to have your membership form (profile) updated with your cherub's name and status if you have recently lost your cherubs. 

This year we are doing something to raise more funds for the cause. Every cherub has 1 candle lit beside his/her name. Family and friends can light more candles in his / her memory. Please make sure to give us the cherub's name as you donate.

Every $5.00 donated in memory of cherub lights another candle beside his/her name.
(Please give us up to 48 hours to update and add candles after your donation).

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

#GivingTuesday is December 3: How are you planning to give back??

Just in case you haven't heard all the fuss over the last few weeks, #GivingTuesday is this Tuesday, December 3.  What is #GivingTuesday?

It is a day created to GIVE BACK.  It's that simple.  We just spent a long weekend focusing on how thankful we are for what we have followed by a couple intense days of shopping.  'Tis the season for giving. So why not give to a charity that has touched us all so deeply.  If you give in any way on December 3, then you have participated in #GivingTuesday.
However, for me, CHERUBS is at the top of the list of charities to consider this 2nd annual#GivingTuesday
So how can you give to CHERUBS??  Here's a quick list of ways you can donate:
  1. Give directly to CHERUBS via the webpage.
  2. Donate via the CHERUBS #GivingTuesday FirstGiving page
  3. Support National Children's Memorial Day and light a virtual candle for CDH babies gone too soon for only $5 per candle.
  4. Purchase the 1st ever CHERUBS lullaby for only $1.89 (or more).  
  5. Shop on AmazonEbay, or Goodsearch.
  6. Participate in the CDH Jewelry fundraiser on Etsy from our Oregon State Rep.
  7. Shop the CHERUBS CDH Awareness Shop
  8. Purchase a CDH Awareness 2014 calendar.
  9. Play the Give a Heart game on your computer or mobile device and donate your hearts toCHERUBS.
  10. Sign up to donate a tweet via JustCoz to CHERUBS.
This is definitely not an exhaustive list, but it's a good start.
Happy Donating!
Written by CPAB Co-Chair, IL State Rep and 2x CDH Dad, Neil Rubenstein

Monday, December 2, 2013

CDH & Feeding Issues

Have questions about CDH and FEEDING ISSUES? Medical expert now on call to answer your questions!

Join us at

Cyber Monday!


While you are doing your holiday shopping on-line, many stores will donate a portion of your purchase price to our charity at no cost to you!, Ebay and Goodshop (which covers all major stores such as Macy's, Wal-Mart, Target, etc), will all give back to help our charity.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

2013 CDH Research Grant Contest

Vote once a day, every day until December 30th for your favorite CDH organization to win $10,000!